Charlotte was a very cute little girl. She was full of energy and loved to play. When she first started kindergarten, she was a little shy. But it didn’t take long for her to come out of her shell and make lots of friends. One day when the teacher stepped out of the room for a moment, little Billy dared Charlotte to steal a piece of candy from the large bowl of candy the teacher kept on her desk to reward her students for good behavior or for correctly answering a difficult question. Charlotte turned to Billy and emphatically said no. Billy asked her why not. Charlotte stated confidently, “Because my daddy loves me and he told me to be a good girl.” In eighth grade, Charlotte’s best friend was Suzie. Charlotte and Suzie hung out together all the time. One night when Charlotte was spending the night at Suzie’s house, they stayed up late to watch a movie. After everyone else had been in bed for a while, Suzie sneaked over to a cabinet in the kitchen and came back with a bottle. “What’s that?” Charlotte asked. “Vodka.” Suzie said. “I’ve been wanting to try this because I always see my parents drink it when they have friends over. Here, let me put some in your Coke.” Charlotte put her hand over her glass. “I don’t want any. Please put that back.” “Why?” asked Suzie. Charlotte said, “I love my dad very much and he has warned me about alcohol. I trust him and promised him I wouldn’t do this.” Although she was a little disappointed, Suzie cared about Charlotte a lot. She reluctantly walked back to the kitchen and put the vodka away. By twelfth grade, Charlotte was a beautiful young lady. She was very popular and made good grades. Because of her grades and the fact that she never got in trouble, Charlotte’s parents had given her quite a bit of freedom. Thursday nights were family night. Charlotte, her mom and her dad always had dinner together on family night. But tonight, Charlotte wasn’t looking forward to dinner. She had spent the afternoon talking with her mom and knew that she had to tell her dad what was going on. Charlotte had never really seen her dad angry before. But more than anything she was just afraid of disappointing him. She also felt very guilty. Her dad had worked hard to provide for the family and she didn’t want to make things any harder on him. About half way through dinner, George, Charlotte’s father, finally said, “What’s wrong? It hasn’t been this quiet on a Thursday night since Scooby (the family dog) died.” He didn’t get an answer. In fact, Charlotte had not looked up from her plate or eaten a bite since they sat down. “Charlotte.” George said, “What is the matter?” George saw the tear run down Charlotte’s cheek. Charlotte looked up and said, “Daddy. You know I love you. I have always tried to be a good girl. I’ve always listened to you and tried to do the right thing.” “What is it baby?” George asked compassionately. “I’m pregnant.” Charlotte said as she burst out crying. George was shocked. As hard as he tried he couldn’t hide the disappointment. His mind raced with thoughts of Charlotte’s future (high school graduation, college, married,…). George looked towards his wife Cynthia to ground himself. Cynthia was crying too. George was overcome with emotion. He felt anger, disappointment, frustration. In just a few moments, it seemed like hours were passing by. And then he felt Charlotte’s hand on his. “Daddy. I am so very sorry. Do you forgive me?” Through the flood of emotions he was feeling, one rose to the surface and drowned the others. Compassion. With tears running down his own face now, and thinking about many of the mistakes he had made in his own life, he felt embarrassed and ashamed of the anger and disappointment he had just been feeling. He got up and walked around the table where he knelt down beside Charlotte’s chair. “I love you, Charlotte. Of course I forgive you. Let’s figure out what we are going to do to take care of you and my first grandchild.” Charlotte reached over and hugged her father tightly. Although he knew there would be tough times ahead, George felt a measure of peace as he heard Charlotte whisper in his ear, “My daddy loves me.”
Focus Verse: 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
Additional Verses: Psalm 103:8-13, 1 John 4:16-19, John 14:15,
Our Christian experience should not be much different than Charlotte’s. First she recognized the love her father had for her; just as we recognize the love God has for us (John 3:16, 1 John 4:16). As she matured, she realized how much she had grown to love her father. Similarly, as we are sanctified and mature as Christians, we recognize how much we love God (1 John 4:19). Then, because of her appreciation for all he had done for her, Charlotte tried to do the things she knew would please her father. Because of our love for Christ, we should strive to keep his commandments (John 14:15). And finally, when she fell short, as we all do (Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8), Charlotte humbly approached her father, confident in his love for her, and asked for forgiveness. Just as Christians, we know that God will forgive our sins when we ask Him to (1 John 1:9, Psalm 103:8-13).
Heavenly Father, my Lord and Savior, blessed be Your holy name forever and ever. Thank You for the many ways You have demonstrated Your love for me. Thank You for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for my sins. I pray dear Lord that I please you as I try to live my life according to Your will and Your commandments. And I am so grateful that when I sin, I can humbly approach Your throne of grace and ask Your forgiveness; knowing that You are faithful and just to forgive me. I love You more each day Lord. And I thank You for Your incomprehensible love for me. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Shaundra loves to walk in the forest. It started when she was a young girl and her farther took her for long walks in the woods near their house. Shaundra’s father, Cliff, spent many hours teaching her how to identify different types of trees. He taught her to look at the bark, the leaves, the nuts or fruit (if there was any), and with all the information available analyzed, identify the type of tree. Because of these lessons, and the time and effort Cliff put into teaching Shaundra many other things, she grew up to be very analytical and very intelligent. Now in her 40’s, her father gone, Shaundra still makes time for her walks in the forest (though not as often as she would like to). She spends some time thinking of her father, some time looking at the different types of trees, but mostly she prays. Shaundra always says, “Each step I take deeper into a forest always seems to bring me one step closer to God.” Today as Shaundra walked on a trail she had never been on before, she was thinking about one of her favorite Bible verses, John 15:5 (I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me, ye can do nothing.) She loved to think of abiding in Christ and Christ abiding in her and it showing in the way she lived her life. As she walked, with the sun just starting to dip in the late afternoon sky, she caught sight of a beautiful tree set off the west side of the trail somewhat to itself. It was one of the largest pecan trees she had ever seen. Still reciting the verse in her head, Shaundra reached down and picked up a pecan. Looking up, out of habit she began to analyze the different parts of the tree (the texture and shape of the bark, the shape and color of the leaves, the distinctive brown and nearly black pattern on the shell of the nut in her hand). Walking, deep in thought, trying desperately to classify exactly the type of pecan tree, she turned to examine it again. But as she looked up, with the sun now directly behind the tree, all she saw was a silhouette. Not pieces, not parts, but everything together as one. “I am the vine,” she said out loud. After a short pause, “What are You trying to show me Lord?” she prayed. Suddenly she found herself deep in thought about the Trinity. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. The Godhead. Separate Persons but One God. A concept she had always struggled with. Shaundra closed her eyes, breathed in the fresh air and began to pray, “Father, may Your Holy Spirit reveal Your truth to me.” Then she got it. One tree is made up of distinct parts just as One God is made up of three distinct Persons. She smiled a beautiful big smile realizing she had just had an encounter with God.
Focus Verse: 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
Additional Verses: John 8:58, Exodus 3:14, John 10:30, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 14:15-23
Using John 15:5, God planted the idea in Shaundra’s mind of God as a vine, then more generally as a plant, and finally as a tree. God used this image to reveal the nature of the Holy Trinity to Shaundra. With all the separate parts of the tree floating through her head, as Shaundra turned and saw the parts silhouetted together as one tree, this is what God illustrated for her. Imagine a magnificent tree. Think of the trunk, the bark, the limbs, the roots, the leaves. These comprise the structure of the tree. Without the structure, there is no tree. In this illustration, the structure of the tree represents God the Father. Fully grown, majestic, awesome! Now think about the sap in a tree. Distinctly separate from the structure, but every bit as much a part of the tree as the structure and absolutely necessary for the tree to exist. The sap represents Jesus Christ, the Life Blood of the Trinity. Our Lord and Savior. By the shedding of His blood, we can be saved. And finally, the fruit of the tree. The Fruit of The Spirit. The Holy Spirit. Again, clearly part of the tree, but distinctly separate. The means by which we are indwelled by God and His Spirit is shared with Christians. Providing spiritual nourishment for us. So do you see it? Three distinct parts to One Awesome God.
Holy Father in heaven, I pray that your Holy Spirit will reveal to me the truth of You as One God comprised of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May this understanding bring me closer to you and continue to help me more completely understand what You have chosen to reveal to us through Your Word. I love You Lord. I praise Your holy name. May the love of Jesus Christ show through me as a light in this dark world. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Shaundra loves to walk in the forest. It started when she was a young girl and her farther took her for long walks in the woods near their house. Shaundra’s father, Cliff, spent many hours teaching her how to identify different types of trees. He taught her to look at the bark, the leaves, the nuts or fruit (if there was any), and with all the information available analyzed, identify the type of tree. Because of these lessons, and the time and effort Cliff put into teaching Shaundra many other things, she grew up to be very analytical and very intelligent. Now in her 40’s, her father gone, Shaundra still makes time for her walks in the forest (though not as often as she would like to). She spends some time thinking of her father, some time looking at the different types of trees, but mostly she prays. Shaundra always says, “Each step I take deeper into a forest always seems to bring me one step closer to God.” Today as Shaundra walked on a trail she had never been on before, she was thinking about one of her favorite Bible verses, John 15:5 (I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me, ye can do nothing.) She loved to think of abiding in Christ and Christ abiding in her and it showing in the way she lived her life. As she walked, with the sun just starting to dip in the late afternoon sky, she caught sight of a beautiful tree set off the west side of the trail somewhat to itself. It was one of the largest pecan trees she had ever seen. Still reciting the verse in her head, Shaundra reached down and picked up a pecan. Looking up, out of habit she began to analyze the different parts of the tree (the texture and shape of the bark, the shape and color of the leaves, the distinctive brown and nearly black pattern on the shell of the nut in her hand). Walking, deep in thought, trying desperately to classify exactly the type of pecan tree, she turned to examine it again. But as she looked up, with the sun now directly behind the tree, all she saw was a silhouette. Not pieces, not parts, but everything together as one. “I am the vine,” she said out loud. After a short pause, “What are You trying to show me Lord?” she prayed. Suddenly she found herself deep in thought about the Trinity. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. The Godhead. Separate Persons but One God. A concept she had always struggled with. Shaundra closed her eyes, breathed in the fresh air and began to pray, “Father, may Your Holy Spirit reveal Your truth to me.” Then she got it. One tree is made up of distinct parts just as One God is made up of three distinct Persons. She smiled a beautiful big smile realizing she had just had an encounter with God.
Focus Verse: 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
Additional Verses: John 8:58, Exodus 3:14, John 10:30, 2 Corinthians 3:17, John 14:15-23
Using John 15:5, God planted the idea in Shaundra’s mind of God as a vine, then more generally as a plant, and finally as a tree. God used this image to reveal the nature of the Holy Trinity to Shaundra. With all the separate parts of the tree floating through her head, as Shaundra turned and saw the parts silhouetted together as one tree, this is what God illustrated for her. Imagine a magnificent tree. Think of the trunk, the bark, the limbs, the roots, the leaves. These comprise the structure of the tree. Without the structure, there is no tree. In this illustration, the structure of the tree represents God the Father. Fully grown, majestic, awesome! Now think about the sap in a tree. Distinctly separate from the structure, but every bit as much a part of the tree as the structure and absolutely necessary for the tree to exist. The sap represents Jesus Christ, the Life Blood of the Trinity. Our Lord and Savior. By the shedding of His blood, we can be saved. And finally, the fruit of the tree. The Fruit of The Spirit. The Holy Spirit. Again, clearly part of the tree, but distinctly separate. The means by which we are indwelled by God and His Spirit is shared with Christians. Providing spiritual nourishment for us. So do you see it? Three distinct parts to One Awesome God.
Holy Father in heaven, I pray that your Holy Spirit will reveal to me the truth of You as One God comprised of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May this understanding bring me closer to you and continue to help me more completely understand what You have chosen to reveal to us through Your Word. I love You Lord. I praise Your holy name. May the love of Jesus Christ show through me as a light in this dark world. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Ron was having a really bad day. In fact, if you were to ask Ron right now, he would say he was having a really bad life. Last year, he got divorced after six great months and three horrible years of marriage. Last month, he lost his dream job as a graphic designer at a small advertising company due to the failing economy and layoffs. Although he had found work at a sign company, he was only making about half of the salary he was making at his previous job and was going to have to sell his new car. Late this afternoon, Ron was heading to the car dealership to make the deal trading his new car for a used one. While stopped at a red light, another car struck him from behind. Once the police left, feeling distraught and overwhelmed, Ron started walking. With no specific destination in mind and oblivious to his surroundings, he just kept walking. After several hours, feeling he was near the end of his rope, Ron decided to call his dad. “Hello. This is Mike.” Just the sound of his dad’s voice seemed to ground him. “Dad. I don’t know what to do.”, said Ron. Mike could hear the distress in his son’s voice. In a comforting and compassionate tone he said, “Tell me what’s wrong son.” Ron started off with the details of the wreck, but before long he was recounting every misfortune of his adult life. Mike listened patiently. Ron went on for nearly 45 minutes. He only stopped talking because of the beep on his cell phone indicating his battery was about to go dead. “Great!” Ron said out loud feeling even more sorry for himself. “What’s wrong now son?” Mike asked. “My cell is about to die!” At that point Mike knew he didn’t have much time. “Now son, this may be hard to hear right now, but you know one of my favorite sayings has always been, Life is tough….” In anger Ron cut off his father. “Life is tough, get a helmet!! I know dad! I’ve heard it a million times! And you know what!” Ron paused for a moment. “You know what!!!” he yelled. Surprised his father didn’t answer he looked down to see that his cell phone had died. In a fit of rage, Ron threw the phone on the ground and stomped on it. Ron was overcome with anger, grief, frustration and self pity. He felt absolutely lost and alone. “Come on dear.” a strange voice said. Ron looked around to see a lady and her young daughter walking around him and away in a hurry. Ron had been so engrossed in the conversation with his dad, he didn’t even realize he had been pacing around in circles in a parking lot for the last 10 minutes. Feeling more embarrassed than anything else, Ron hung his head and started walking again. When he came to the street, he was even more embarrassed to realize he was in a church parking lot. Looking left, then right, not sure which way to go, he noticed a man descending a ladder at the sign in front of the church. Right there, he fell to his knees. He began crying. He looked up to see if it was real. Through the tears and heartache, he made out the words just placed on the sign, “PUT ON THE HELMET OF SALVATION!” Ron got to his feet and started walking. It didn’t take long to reach the front door of the church. He didn’t know where the strength came from to walk through them.
Focus Verse: Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Additional Verses: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Romans 8:18, Romans 8:28
By the grace of God and His sovereignty, Ron was saved that Wednesday evening. A few months later, by his testimony, Ron led his father to a saving knowledge of Christ. It was some time later before Ron truly started to appreciate how each and every moment of his life had led him to that church, on that day, at that time. And although the man descending the ladder was the only reason Ron noticed the sign that Wednesday evening, Ron never knew that the man had always changed the sign on Monday’s. But that week the man’s wife had been sick and he couldn’t get to it until Wednesday. It is so easy to get lost in our own self pity and complaining. Think of the suffering of Paul as he lived a faithful life spreading the gospel of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:24-27). Did he give up? Did he sit around complaining? Of course not. Paul knew that God was on his side (Psalm 118:6). Let the helmet of salvation guard your mind against negative thoughts. Find peace and strength in the knowledge that, as a Christian, no matter what trials or tribulations you face in this life, you will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus. God created us in His image. While we endure the troubles of this world, we will have a yearning in our heart to be with Him in a perfect world under His perfect rule (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11). Put on the whole armor of God so that you will be able to withstand the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Father, as I praise Your holy name, I thank You for my salvation. May I find peace and comfort in knowing all things of this world are temporary. Nothing compares to the glory and honor and peace of eternity with You. Forgive me when I fall short. Strengthen me to never stop trying. Give me wisdom so that I see things from Your perspective. I choose to love You with all my heart and soul and mind and strength. Help me to love others as You have loved me. In the name of Jesus, I humbly ask these things. Amen.
Ron was having a really bad day. In fact, if you were to ask Ron right now, he would say he was having a really bad life. Last year, he got divorced after six great months and three horrible years of marriage. Last month, he lost his dream job as a graphic designer at a small advertising company due to the failing economy and layoffs. Although he had found work at a sign company, he was only making about half of the salary he was making at his previous job and was going to have to sell his new car. Late this afternoon, Ron was heading to the car dealership to make the deal trading his new car for a used one. While stopped at a red light, another car struck him from behind. Once the police left, feeling distraught and overwhelmed, Ron started walking. With no specific destination in mind and oblivious to his surroundings, he just kept walking. After several hours, feeling he was near the end of his rope, Ron decided to call his dad. “Hello. This is Mike.” Just the sound of his dad’s voice seemed to ground him. “Dad. I don’t know what to do.”, said Ron. Mike could hear the distress in his son’s voice. In a comforting and compassionate tone he said, “Tell me what’s wrong son.” Ron started off with the details of the wreck, but before long he was recounting every misfortune of his adult life. Mike listened patiently. Ron went on for nearly 45 minutes. He only stopped talking because of the beep on his cell phone indicating his battery was about to go dead. “Great!” Ron said out loud feeling even more sorry for himself. “What’s wrong now son?” Mike asked. “My cell is about to die!” At that point Mike knew he didn’t have much time. “Now son, this may be hard to hear right now, but you know one of my favorite sayings has always been, Life is tough….” In anger Ron cut off his father. “Life is tough, get a helmet!! I know dad! I’ve heard it a million times! And you know what!” Ron paused for a moment. “You know what!!!” he yelled. Surprised his father didn’t answer he looked down to see that his cell phone had died. In a fit of rage, Ron threw the phone on the ground and stomped on it. Ron was overcome with anger, grief, frustration and self pity. He felt absolutely lost and alone. “Come on dear.” a strange voice said. Ron looked around to see a lady and her young daughter walking around him and away in a hurry. Ron had been so engrossed in the conversation with his dad, he didn’t even realize he had been pacing around in circles in a parking lot for the last 10 minutes. Feeling more embarrassed than anything else, Ron hung his head and started walking again. When he came to the street, he was even more embarrassed to realize he was in a church parking lot. Looking left, then right, not sure which way to go, he noticed a man descending a ladder at the sign in front of the church. Right there, he fell to his knees. He began crying. He looked up to see if it was real. Through the tears and heartache, he made out the words just placed on the sign, “PUT ON THE HELMET OF SALVATION!” Ron got to his feet and started walking. It didn’t take long to reach the front door of the church. He didn’t know where the strength came from to walk through them.
Focus Verse: Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Additional Verses: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Romans 8:18, Romans 8:28
By the grace of God and His sovereignty, Ron was saved that Wednesday evening. A few months later, by his testimony, Ron led his father to a saving knowledge of Christ. It was some time later before Ron truly started to appreciate how each and every moment of his life had led him to that church, on that day, at that time. And although the man descending the ladder was the only reason Ron noticed the sign that Wednesday evening, Ron never knew that the man had always changed the sign on Monday’s. But that week the man’s wife had been sick and he couldn’t get to it until Wednesday. It is so easy to get lost in our own self pity and complaining. Think of the suffering of Paul as he lived a faithful life spreading the gospel of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:24-27). Did he give up? Did he sit around complaining? Of course not. Paul knew that God was on his side (Psalm 118:6). Let the helmet of salvation guard your mind against negative thoughts. Find peace and strength in the knowledge that, as a Christian, no matter what trials or tribulations you face in this life, you will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus. God created us in His image. While we endure the troubles of this world, we will have a yearning in our heart to be with Him in a perfect world under His perfect rule (Ecclesiastes 3:10-11). Put on the whole armor of God so that you will be able to withstand the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Father, as I praise Your holy name, I thank You for my salvation. May I find peace and comfort in knowing all things of this world are temporary. Nothing compares to the glory and honor and peace of eternity with You. Forgive me when I fall short. Strengthen me to never stop trying. Give me wisdom so that I see things from Your perspective. I choose to love You with all my heart and soul and mind and strength. Help me to love others as You have loved me. In the name of Jesus, I humbly ask these things. Amen.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sammy kept his eyes on the road, but his mind was wandering. He had looked forward to this day for many years and now that it was here, he was much more nervous than he had anticipated. He glanced over at Tim, his fifteen year old son, and thought back to the day his own father had taken him down this same road. “We’re almost there, son.” Sammy said. “Great.” replied Tim very unenthusiastically. Although Sammy and Tim were close, things had been more tense between them over the last six months or so. Sammy turned into the entrance to the state park and worked his way back to the most remote parking area. “Come on son, let’s get out and walk for a while.” Reluctantly Tim got out of the truck and followed his father to the trailhead. They walked for quite some time without talking. Then, just as Sammy was getting ready to begin his well rehearsed ‘speech’, Tim asked, “Dad, what are we doing out here?” Sammy cleared his throat and said, “Well son, my dad brought me out here when I was your age to talk to me about something he felt was very important. At the time, I didn’t really appreciate what he told me. But over the years, it has made more and more sense to me. Actually, when I was fifteen, I thought my mom and dad were two of the dumbest people on the planet.” Sammy heard Tim laugh under his breath and realized that he had probably just summed up Tim’s feelings about him. Sammy went on, “But as the years passed, I realized just how wise they really were.” “Is this going to take long?” Tim asked. Sammy fought back the urge to get impatient and just honestly answered his son’s questions, “The talk itself will not take long at all. But hopefully, you will spend the rest of your life applying what I hope you learn here today.” Tim actually seemed a little interested now. “Tim, I want to talk with you about wisdom. My dad told me there were three kinds of people in the world. Foolish people, who don’t learn from their mistakes and experiences. Smart people, who do learn from their mistakes and experiences. And wise people, who learned from the mistakes and experiences of others.” Sammy paused to let his son take that in. Then he walked over to a bench alongside the trail and sat down. Tim made his way over and sat down next to his father. “That actually makes a lot of sense.” Tim said. Sammy couldn’t hide the smile that appeared on his face. “I am glad to hear you say that son. Understanding it is one thing. Applying it to your life is another. Wisdom is quite different from knowledge. Knowledge is just an accumulation of facts. Wisdom is when you apply what you know in a meaningful way. You know your grandfather wasn’t a Christian until much later in his life. So back when he told me about wisdom, it was strictly from a worldly viewpoint. So I want to expand that thought a little further and put it in the context of being a Christian. I believe a spiritually wise person learns from the lessons God teaches. And I further believe that God uses four distinct ways to teach us. He teaches us from His word, the Bible. He teaches us as we pray. He teaches us through our experiences with other Christians. And He teaches us through the circumstances of our life. That’s it. That is what I wanted to tell you.” Sammy stood up and started walking further down the trail. It seemed like he had walked forever when he heard Tim running up from behind him. “Dad! Dad! Wait up!” Tim was somewhat out of breath. He had sat on the bench thinking for some time before he realized his dad had walked on ahead. They walked side-by-side for some time without talking. And then Tim asked, “So dad, what have you learned that you think might help me?” Taken aback, Sammy reached out and hugged his son. Sammy was overwhelmed with the maturity his son demonstrated by that question. He realized that moment marked a new beginning in their relationship. They walked for two hours that day. Sharing and learning from each other.
Focus Verse: Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels;
Additional Verses: Proverbs 9:10, James 1:5
In 1 Kings Chapter 3, when God said to Solomon, “Ask what I shall give thee.” (v. 5), Solomon asked for wisdom (v. 9: “Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: …”). And in James 1:5, James tells us if we lack wisdom to ask God and he will give it to us liberally, without blame or criticism. So my question to you is, why live without it? Learn from your mistakes and experiences and those of others. But most importantly, learn from the lessons God teaches (in the Bible (Psalm 119:97-104), in prayer, in church and your relationships with other Christians, and in the circumstances of life). Seek after God. Show Him reverence and respect. Ask Him for wisdom. Try to see things from God’s perspective.
My Lord and Savior, I humbly and respectively ask that You teach me wisdom. Not worldly wisdom, but wisdom that will help me to more completely understand You and Your ways. Wisdom that will help me to seek after You and live in such a way that reflects my desire to serve You and fulfill Your purposes for my life. Not for my benefit, but that Your will be done. Thank You Father for the many blessings in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Sammy kept his eyes on the road, but his mind was wandering. He had looked forward to this day for many years and now that it was here, he was much more nervous than he had anticipated. He glanced over at Tim, his fifteen year old son, and thought back to the day his own father had taken him down this same road. “We’re almost there, son.” Sammy said. “Great.” replied Tim very unenthusiastically. Although Sammy and Tim were close, things had been more tense between them over the last six months or so. Sammy turned into the entrance to the state park and worked his way back to the most remote parking area. “Come on son, let’s get out and walk for a while.” Reluctantly Tim got out of the truck and followed his father to the trailhead. They walked for quite some time without talking. Then, just as Sammy was getting ready to begin his well rehearsed ‘speech’, Tim asked, “Dad, what are we doing out here?” Sammy cleared his throat and said, “Well son, my dad brought me out here when I was your age to talk to me about something he felt was very important. At the time, I didn’t really appreciate what he told me. But over the years, it has made more and more sense to me. Actually, when I was fifteen, I thought my mom and dad were two of the dumbest people on the planet.” Sammy heard Tim laugh under his breath and realized that he had probably just summed up Tim’s feelings about him. Sammy went on, “But as the years passed, I realized just how wise they really were.” “Is this going to take long?” Tim asked. Sammy fought back the urge to get impatient and just honestly answered his son’s questions, “The talk itself will not take long at all. But hopefully, you will spend the rest of your life applying what I hope you learn here today.” Tim actually seemed a little interested now. “Tim, I want to talk with you about wisdom. My dad told me there were three kinds of people in the world. Foolish people, who don’t learn from their mistakes and experiences. Smart people, who do learn from their mistakes and experiences. And wise people, who learned from the mistakes and experiences of others.” Sammy paused to let his son take that in. Then he walked over to a bench alongside the trail and sat down. Tim made his way over and sat down next to his father. “That actually makes a lot of sense.” Tim said. Sammy couldn’t hide the smile that appeared on his face. “I am glad to hear you say that son. Understanding it is one thing. Applying it to your life is another. Wisdom is quite different from knowledge. Knowledge is just an accumulation of facts. Wisdom is when you apply what you know in a meaningful way. You know your grandfather wasn’t a Christian until much later in his life. So back when he told me about wisdom, it was strictly from a worldly viewpoint. So I want to expand that thought a little further and put it in the context of being a Christian. I believe a spiritually wise person learns from the lessons God teaches. And I further believe that God uses four distinct ways to teach us. He teaches us from His word, the Bible. He teaches us as we pray. He teaches us through our experiences with other Christians. And He teaches us through the circumstances of our life. That’s it. That is what I wanted to tell you.” Sammy stood up and started walking further down the trail. It seemed like he had walked forever when he heard Tim running up from behind him. “Dad! Dad! Wait up!” Tim was somewhat out of breath. He had sat on the bench thinking for some time before he realized his dad had walked on ahead. They walked side-by-side for some time without talking. And then Tim asked, “So dad, what have you learned that you think might help me?” Taken aback, Sammy reached out and hugged his son. Sammy was overwhelmed with the maturity his son demonstrated by that question. He realized that moment marked a new beginning in their relationship. They walked for two hours that day. Sharing and learning from each other.
Focus Verse: Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels;
Additional Verses: Proverbs 9:10, James 1:5
In 1 Kings Chapter 3, when God said to Solomon, “Ask what I shall give thee.” (v. 5), Solomon asked for wisdom (v. 9: “Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: …”). And in James 1:5, James tells us if we lack wisdom to ask God and he will give it to us liberally, without blame or criticism. So my question to you is, why live without it? Learn from your mistakes and experiences and those of others. But most importantly, learn from the lessons God teaches (in the Bible (Psalm 119:97-104), in prayer, in church and your relationships with other Christians, and in the circumstances of life). Seek after God. Show Him reverence and respect. Ask Him for wisdom. Try to see things from God’s perspective.
My Lord and Savior, I humbly and respectively ask that You teach me wisdom. Not worldly wisdom, but wisdom that will help me to more completely understand You and Your ways. Wisdom that will help me to seek after You and live in such a way that reflects my desire to serve You and fulfill Your purposes for my life. Not for my benefit, but that Your will be done. Thank You Father for the many blessings in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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